Lift Your Spirits

Last Updated : 09 Nov 2021
22 PRO 0265 COVID 19 At Home OA Tiles 1360X860 Lift Pattern

Mental fatigue and heightened fear are real for many of us in lockdown.

For those who are feeling it, we want to help. Here are some ways to learn some new skills and lift our spirits while in lockdown.

Mindfulness, good sleep, healthy eating and breathing exercises are great and there are plenty of resources out there. Getting started can be the biggest hurdle, so here are some ways we can help with that first step.

Keeping mindful during lockdown

Work on your sleep, mindfullness and wellbeing with videos and online learning to help you withstand lockdown and come out stronger.

Find out more.

Unwind for mental wellbeing

Being in lockdown can make us all feel anxious and stressed. The constant reminders of the COVID-19 pandemic can overwhelm us all. But one of the best things for us to do is to be kind to ourselves and simply unwind.

Auckland Council Libraries has a wide range of up to date and free books, magazines, newspapers and podcasts to explore, as well as film and documentary streaming options. Plus we have online puzzles and jigsaws to solve for some relaxing downtime.

Browse the collection.

Let your creativity flow

Getting creative is a great way to keep your mental health strong and resilient during challenging times like a lockdown.

Whether you're doing some craftwork like knitting or embroidery, reading, writing, adult colouring, painting, gardening, or baking, there are plenty of ways to express your creativity.

Take a look at our tips to help you get started.

Puzzles and games to relax

Constantly looking at news and tuning into the 1pm briefings can be stressful, and during lockdown it is important to switch off and unwind. We need to give ourselves permission to tune out and wind down.

If you are struggling with ideas for how to do that, here are some simple ways to relax and have fun either by yourself or with other people in your bubble.

Get started today.

Building a resilient you

There’s nothing like a lockdown to get our fight-or-flight responses firing. If you’re having trouble sleeping, lingering headaches or anxious thoughts, chances are your emotional brain is in control.

Paul Robertson, Auckland Council’s General Manager Health, Safety & Wellbeing says, “It is more important than ever that we look after ourselves. Building our resilience is a proactive way we can navigate through challenging times and emotions. “Auckland Council has an array of resources to help you take care of yourself and your whānau during lockdown and learn how to develop your resilience.”

Explore the online resources.

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