News91 Results

Exotic pets don’t belong in Auckland’s natural environment
Native plants and animals can thrive and survive without exotic pests in their patch.

Restoring access to the Waitākere Ranges
For Auckland Council’s rangers in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park team, the past year has been a busy one.

Hihi return to Shakespear Regional Park
“There is high potential for this project to contribute to the overall conservation of hihi into the future so we are doing everything we can to get the setting right for success,.

Beautification Trust has lengthy mahi recognised
The Manukau Beautification Charitable Trust has been acknowledged for 23 years of service to Tāmaki Makaurau as it moves away from operating as a controlled-organisation of Auckland Council.

Using the power of birdsong to encourage native plantings in Auckland’s backyards
Using birdsong to carry an environmental message.

Conservation recovery effort secures future for New Zealand’s rarest whitebait
New Zealand's rarest whitebait species gets helping hand

Supporting the environment for a greener future
It’s a big week for conservation around the globe, with World Environment Day on 5 June and World Ocean Day on 8 June.

Funds offered to protect waterways
Applications to Auckland Council’s Regional Waterway Protection Fund open soon.