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Protecting Auckland's environment

News1731 Results

Environment 22 Aug 2016

Join the war on weeds: Jasmine

It might look pretty and smell sweet, but jasmine is a highly invasive weed that kills other plants and native seedlings by smothering them.

Environment 18 Aug 2016

Auckland reaches climate change milestone

The Carbon Disclosure Project has just published Auckland’s emissions inventory and it shows that we have managed to minimise emissions increases despite an increasing population.

Environment 17 Aug 2016

A new look for Tidy Kiwi

New Zealand's much loved anti-littering character is undergoing a makeover and so far 15,000 students are taking part.

Parks / Outdoors 12 Aug 2016

Recognising environmental champions of the west

Show your appreciation for a group or individual volunteering in the Waitākere Ranges.

Environment 11 Aug 2016

How many times can it be recycled?

Some materials can only be recycled a certain number of times before they have to go to landfill – find out which ones.

Environment 11 Aug 2016

New Progress Snapshot boosts council’s transparency

New initiative offers performance 'shapshot' at a glance.

Environment 5 Aug 2016

Join the war on weeds: Climbing asparagus

Climbing asparagus is fast becoming one of Auckland’s nastiest weeds, and it could be in your back yard.

Environment 4 Aug 2016

New inorganic service helping in our communities

A social enterprise is working with Auckland Council's inorganic collection to provide appliances for those in need.