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News191 Results

We Read Auckland Festival returns to Tāmaki Makaurau
Get ready for a month of great local reads and insightful author talks as We Read Auckland / Ka Pānui Tātou Tāmaki Makaurau returns for 2024.

Library services go mod in Pt Chev
A new modern, modular building will be located at the intersection of Great North and Point Chevalier roads, at the site of the old library to provide a better option for Pt Chev library goers.

Multi-million-dollar upgrade starts soon at Ōrewa Library
The extensive upgrade of Ōrewa Library will be completed by next June, three months ahead of schedule.

Auckland Council Libraries revamps its holds pick-up process
Auckland Council Libraries is updating its hold pick-up process to enhance privacy of customers.

Don't let grey skies spoil your summer
Across our region, there's plenty going on to keep you busy whatever the weather.

Rediscover your local library
Auckland has 56 libraries across the region where you can borrow books and magazines, both in paper form and digital.

Point Chevalier interim library delayed
Despite reaching agreement for a lease at a Great North Road site, council has been informed that the business leasing the location is currently under negotiation for sale, and no longer available for lease.

Helensville Library services update
Helensville Library staff are receiving praise for stepping up in challenging circumstances.
Events121 Results

Badness in Brokenwood
The Ngaio Marsh Awards, in association with Warkworth Library and Auckland Libraries, invites boo...

Mastering microgreens: Grow your own workshop
Learn how to cultivate these nutritious greens at home, from seed to harvest, and create a salad...

Living tai chi
Come and experience the ancient Chinese art of Tai Chi for relaxation, balance and well-being.

Grow your own microgreens workshop – Mount Roskill
Learn how to cultivate these nutritious greens at home, from seed to harvest, and create a salad...

Chinese tea culture course
Explore the flavours of Oolong tea and master the brewing techniques.