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West Coast beaches recovery

On this page, residents in the Muriwai and Piha/Karekare communities can find all the latest information about the Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office’s storm recovery in these communities. This includes the latest information about geotechnical risk assessment timelines and works, the government’s property categorisation process, and Auckland Transport updates.

Muriwai recovery news

Last updated 6 June
Emergency Recovery 24 Apr 2024

Muriwai geotech update: 24 April

There are several Oaia Road properties (in the Muriwai GHD study area) that are currently under review by our external geotechnical advisory panel.

Emergency Recovery 1 Dec 2023

Final property categorisation numbers for Muriwai

Final property categorisation numbers for Muriwai are progressing well.

Last updated on 21 September
Emergency Recovery 21 Sep 2023

Watercare update for Muriwai

Watercare’s works on the Muriwai Water Treatment Plant and reservoir are well underway.

Last updated 15 November
Emergency Recovery 15 Nov 2023

Muriwai geotechnical update

Read all the Muriwai geotechnical risk assessment works newsletters.

Emergency Recovery 1 Sep 2023

Muriwai: Placard downgrade process continued

Last week 44 properties were able to have their placards downgraded or removed based on the findings of the GHD landslide risk assessment.

Last updated: 24 August 2023
24 Aug 2023

Timeline for the initial categorisation of properties within the Muriwai GHD geotechnical study area

Timeline for the initial categorisation of properties within the GHD geotechnical study area.

Council news 18 Aug 2023

Main road into Muriwai to reopen at 10am Monday 21 August

Another major milestone in Auckland’s storm recovery will be reached on Monday with the lifting of the Motutara Road cordon, at Muriwai.

Emergency Recovery 9 Aug 2023

Muriwai draft geotechnical report due end of August

An update from Auckland Council’s Head of Engineering Resilience Ross Roberts on the progress of our geotechnical investigations at Muriwai.

Emergency Recovery 12 Jun 2023

Muriwai outer cordon to be lifted 6am Friday 16 June

Muriwai will reopen to Aucklanders from 6am Friday 16 June when one of the four cordons set up following Cyclone Gabrielle is removed.

Emergency Recovery 23 Nov 2023

Previous Muriwai recovery community newsletters

Read Muriwai recovery community newsletters that were issued prior to August 2023

Piha / Karekare recovery news

Latest update 14 March
Emergency Recovery 15 Mar 2024

Piha and Karekare geotechnical update: 4 March

Latest update as of 14 March

Last updated 26 October
Emergency Recovery 26 Oct 2023

Piha / Karekare geotechnical update

An update on the Piha and Karekare geotechnical works.

Updated 15 November 2023
Emergency Recovery 15 Nov 2023

West Auckland road repair update

Emergency Recovery 28 Sep 2023

Karekare Road closure for slip repairs

The designs for slip repairs on Karekare Road are completed and construction is scheduled to start on Monday 9 October and are expected to continue through to February 2024.

Emergency Recovery 8 Nov 2023

Piha / Karekare geotechnical update and timeline for upcoming engagements

GHD has nearly finished conducting assessments of affected properties in the Piha and Karekare areas.

Emergency Recovery 23 Nov 2023

Previous Piha/Karekare recovery community updates

Read previous Piha/Karekare community updates prior to August 2023