Emergency Recovery

Auckland Council considers future use for storm-affected land
Auckland council is considering an approach for the future use of properties bought out following major 2023 storms.

Auckland Council advances flood resilience project in Rānui
Auckland Council is taking further action to protect homes from flooding with the Transport, Resilience and Infrastructure Committee endorsing a major flood resilience project for Clover Drive in Rānui.

Cyclone repairs complete: Scenic Drive, Titirangi section
Scenic Drive between Titirangi Roundabout and Woodlands Park Road has now reopened.

Auckland storm recovery 2-year update
2 years on: an update on Auckland's recovery from major 2023 storms

80% of 800+ slips on local roads repaired in Auckland
Auckland Transport’s flood recovery programme is ahead of schedule with 80% of more than 800 large road slips repaired

News - Auckland over 80% through storm recovery
Auckland Council has made strong and steady progress in its recovery efforts from the 2023 storms, completing more than 80% of priority activities two years on.

Making progress on Māngere flood resilience projects
Resource consents have been approved for two much-needed flood resilience projects in Māngere.

Pine Valley Road re-opened after three-month closure
Dairy Flat road re-opened after reconstruction required following 2023 storms.

Social and wellbeing support
Various community and wellbeing support is available to you, including free help with processing home insurance claims, rates relief, temporary accommodation assistance, and wider financial and mental health support.

Searching for a home? Here’s what you need to look out for
Anyone wanting to buy or rent a home is encouraged to look at all available natural hazards information in this time of increasing climate uncertainty.

Homeowners asked to register for road reserves grants scheme
Auckland Council is seeking expressions of interest from homeowners with property access issues caused by slips on road reserves.

Recovery timelines for property owners
There is a significant effort underway to help Tāmaki Makaurau recover from devastating and severe weather events in early 2023.

Auckland Council provides LIM transparency for property categorisation
To ensure transparency, Auckland Council will be disclosing Category 2 and Category 3 properties on LIMs for storm damaged properties.

A third of storm-damaged homes being relocated
Relocating homes is the preferred option to reduce waste to landfill.

Categorisation update – 5 December 2024
Welcome to our fortnightly update on recovery categorisation, buy-out and assessment progress.

More Auckland homes with serious flooding and landslide risk
Auckland Council is identifying more homes with a serious risk to life from future flooding and landslides