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Policies / Regulations

Transport 10 Nov 2020

Feedback sought on proposed speed limit changes in Auckland’s west and north

Auckland Transport is asking for feedback on a proposal to change the speed limits of 26 roads in the west and north of Auckland as part of an amendment to the Speed Limits Bylaw 2019.

Have your say 12 Oct 2020

Have your say on improvements to bylaws about alcohol bans and cemeteries and crematoria

Public consultation opens on 10 October on improvements to council bylaws around alcohol bans, cemeteries and crematoria.

Policies / Regulations 31 Aug 2020

Council helps businesses make better use of outdoor space in Level 2

Auckland Council is working with the city’s cafe and restaurant owners to help them make better use of their outdoor space – fast-tracking the application process for outdoor dining licences.

Transport 21 Aug 2020

New options for biking and scooting around Auckland

While rental e-scooters, e-bikes and bikes are out of action during Alert Level 3, Auckland Council and AT have been busy assessing and reviewing applications for the new rental licence period set to start next month.

Transport 20 Aug 2020

New round of rental e-scooter licences on horizon

Auckland Council is reviewing new applications for the next round of rental e-scooter licences. Successful companies will be able to start operating on 4 September 2020.

Waste 18 Aug 2020

Auckland Council welcomes new waste management specification

A new specification has launched which aims to reduce construction and demolition waste going to landfills.

Policies / Regulations 14 Aug 2020

Leading-edge technology enables inspections from safe distance

While the building industry came to a standstill in COVID-19 Alert Level 4, remote building consents continued thanks to Auckland Council’s leading-edge technology.

Policies / Regulations 29 Jul 2020

Improved ID testing from on licensed premises

Identification checks at a number of on licensed premises in South Auckland have vastly improved on last year according to Auckland Council’s Alcohol Licensing Team Leader Anita Marsh.

Policies / Regulations 27 Jul 2020

Aucklanders give views on rates increases to support essential services

34,915 submissions received on Emergency Budget consultation - the biggest response to a consultation in the council’s history.

Environment 21 Jul 2020

Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland’s Climate Plan reaches milestone

Auckland's Climate Plan reaches another milestone with the adoption of text at Environment and Climate Change Committee meeting.

Waste 21 Jul 2020

Old tyres cost illegal dumper $860 in court

A man who illegally dumped 12 tyres on a west Auckland roadside has been prosecuted and required to pay more than $800 in fines, clean-up fees and court costs following an investigation by Auckland Council.

Policies / Regulations 1 Jul 2020

Simplifying fees and charges to improve accuracy

Customers will soon find it easier to budget for project costs when they apply for consents and licences through Auckland Council’s Regulatory Service.

Transport 30 Jun 2020

Safer speed limits are live around Tāmaki Makaurau

New speed limits on more than 600 roads across Auckland came into force this morning.

Environment 24 Jun 2020

Council makes it easier for Aucklanders to collect rainwater

Auckland Council has announced it is scrapping resource consent fees for the installation of rainwater tanks at residential properties.

Policies / Regulations 23 Jun 2020

Trust venues to close for 48 hours after Act breaches

Three Waitakere Licensing Trust’s licences have been suspended for 48 hours after staff at three different venues sold alcohol to a minor in August last year.

Policies / Regulations 26 May 2020

Building consents for low-risk projects gone

The Government’s scrapping of requirements for low risk building consents is good news, Auckland Council’s Building Consents Manager Ian McCormick says.