Health / Wellbeing
News63 Results

Should Waiheke's Esplanade Path be closed to private vehicles?
Waiheke residents are being called to give feedback on a proposal to close a section of the Esplanade Path to vehicles this month.

Super-sizing speeds up roadworks
A Manurewa accident blackspot is getting 'super-sized' treatment.

Local alcohol policy: Freeze on new liquor stores happening now
Auckland’s local alcohol policy starts coming into effect today, Monday 16 September.

Emergency response puts local first
Papakura Local Board has endorsed a draft disaster resilience plan.

New lease for much-loved health clinic
New leases have been issued to clinics that provide vital health care to isolated Franklin communities.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024: Community is...what we create together
The Mental Health Foundation has created a series of videos profiling four people who were impacted by major 2023 storms, and how they navigated their recovery by staying connected to their community, or by helping one another.

Last call: Council adopts local alcohol policy for Auckland
It’s been almost a decade in the making - Auckland’s local alcohol policy will come into effect in two stages, taking full effect in December 2024.

Local alcohol policy due to go before council
Auckland Council will decide when the policy will come into effect at a future meeting of its governing body.
Events41 Results

Composting Workshops - February
Come and learn how easy it is to turn your waste into fertiliser!!

Kākahu Raranga
This free drop in workshop is the start to your weaving journey where you will learn to weave you...

Volunteer Welcome Day with Kaipātiki Project
A variety of tasks are available to suit different people and support can be offered to different...

Te Ara Awataha Regeneration with Kaipātiki Project
Become a part of our dedicated volunteer group, meeting monthly to help regenerate Northcote’s ne...

BrainCharge hour
Join our fun brain fitness programme is designed to develop brain resilience and mental fitness.

Whangaparāoa Library's BrainCharge
BrainCharge is a fun and engaging brain fitness programme for adults.

Z Manu World Champs
Bring your friends, whānau, or even the neighbours – no experience needed, just come have fun!