Health / Wellbeing
News63 Results

Emergencies are snow problem for locals
Preparing for an emergency doesn't have to be all work and no play!

Call on grants funds reflects tough times
The call on Manurewa Local Board grants funding again far exceeded what was on offer.

Papakura wants to get busy at leisure centre
Papakura Local Board has adopted a work programme that includes upgrade work at the leisure centre.

Plea for driver care around schools
Winter cold and rain can make children dash across busy roads.

The little street that could
The residents of a small Papakura cul-de-sac are making plans for the next time disaster strikes.

Red Cross ‘home bundles’ offer a little more hope to struggling households
New Zealand Red Cross and the Recovery Office are giving a little more hope to storm-impacted households across Tāmaki Makaurau.

Squash club hitting it out of the park
Beach Haven’s Shepherd Park Squash Club is benefiting from major upgrades to its facilities, allowing a greater number of Kaipātiki residents to get engaged in the sport.

Auckland Council support returns the Anchorage mate wareware (dementia) day care service to Tāmaki Basin
Older Aucklanders in Panmure, Glen Innes and Point England who are living with dementia now have a wonderful new mate wareware (dementia) day care centre closer to home.