Kauri dieback

Kauri dieback: clean bill of health for Hūnua Ranges
Hūnua Ranges remain healthy and kauri dieback free.

The science of sniffs – evaluating dogs to detect plant pathogens
Detection dogs as a tool to sniff out the pathogens causing kauri dieback

Autumn health check for Hunua Ranges kauri begins
Hunua Ranges ready for a health check in the hope it will confirm the forest is still free of the deadly kauri dieback disease

Another successful kauri dieback prosecution ahead of summer season
Stay on track this summer while walking the Waitākere Ranges.

Heart of the Waitākere Ranges free of kauri dieback pathogen
Good news for Waitākere Ranges health

Auckland Council finalist in excellence awards
Click and collect, outdoor spin classes, virtual concerts and ground-breaking kauri programme make it to the finals of local government excellence awards.

Help keep kauri standing this summer
If you’re looking for a nature fix this summer, there are heaps of kauri safe places you can go across the region

The race to save the mighty kauri
Kauri is one of our most important native species – here’s how Auckland Council is helping to protect it.

Injection of funding to fast-track kauri dieback work programme
Auckland Council has been successful in securing $1.9m over two years from the DOC administered Jobs for Nature Fund to support kauri dieback work in the region.

Second kauri dieback offender fined for entering closed tracks
Auckland Council has been successful in bringing a second prosecution for breaches relating to closed tracks in the Waitākere Ranges Regional Park.

Auckland Council hosts kauri dieback monitoring webinar
Download the video and read the Q&A from our kauri dieback webinar hosted earlier this year.

Grads Mawhai and Pip become New Zealand’s first specialist kauri dieback sniffer dogs
Biosecurity team’s secret weapon in the battle against kauri dieback.

New survey to study kauri health in Waitākere Ranges
Auckland Council surveys public land to monitor kauri dieback disease and for the first time will be extending its approach to include healthy trees in its studies.

Takapuna Beach home to ancient fossilised forest
At the northern end of Takapuna Beach, curious-looking basalt formations can be seen across the shore platform at low tide.

Auckland Council successful in first kauri dieback prosecution
Wandering walker found guilty of breaching bylaw

Kauri compliance message making a mark
This summer has seen non-compliant behaviour trending down across the region.