News76 Results
Engage all five senses with activities to soothe the soul
Let your five senses take you on an adventure to discover the sights, sounds, smells, textures and tastes of Tāmaki Makaurau.
New sounds emerge from Central City Library basement for Music Month
This is the second year of an Auckland Council programme called Ka Mua Ka Muri Te Iho Auaha. Named after a Māori proverb meaning walking backwards into the future, the premise is that knowing where you came from can help you know where you’re going.
Sizzling evening entertainment here for all Aucklanders
Auckland Council is pleased to announce the latest season of both Music in Parks and Movies in Parks for this summer, brining free concerts and movie screenings to a park near you.
Auckland a finalist for Best Global Music City Award
Auckland City of Music | Tāmaki Makaurau Pā Puoro is a finalist for Best Global Music City at the 3rd Annual Music Cities Awards. This follows on from last year’s win as Best Global Music Office.
Top youth talent to shine in town hall for the first time
Auckland’s best young talent will compete for top honours in the Auckland Town Hall for the first time ever. The final 26 emerged after the semifinals of Auckland Council’s Stand Up Stand Out (SUSO) talent competition took place over last weekend.
Auckland’s top young talent battle for school pride
Top young talent from across the Tāmaki Makaurau region are competing this weekend in the semi-finals of Stand Up Stand Out (SUSO)
Local Board supports summer events on Aotea
Two popular summer events on the motu have received a funding boost from Aotea / Great Barrier Local Board.
Board supports Pride vision
Manurewa local Board is helping support Brown Pride, a group dedicated to making a difference for South Auckland youth.,
Events62 Results
Whangaparāoa Library's Music & Rhyme
Music and Rhyme is a fun and interactive session for children aged 3-5 years old.
Wriggle & Rhyme - Takapuna Library
Music and movement classes for pēpi aged 0-18 months.
Wriggle & Rhyme - Parnell Library
Join our librarian's for a half hour of movement, song and fun to help your kiddo's social, menta...
Acoustic Guitar for Children with Peter Grahame
Learn and grow in the artistic abilities with material that builds upon their prior knowledge and...
Join our Rhymetime sessions featuring songs, movement, and finger rhymes designed for pre-schoole...
Storytime - Rānui Library
Join our Tuesday storytime with our librarians, who will read stories to your little ones aged 3...
Acoustic Guitar for Adults with Peter Grahame
Acoustic guitar for adults explores guitar playing with theory, technique and practice.
Rhymetime at Titirangi
Join our Rhymetime sessions with songs, movement and finger rhymes for pre-schoolers and their ca...