Health / Wellbeing
News70 Results
Ethnic communities enjoy sense of belonging
A forum has allowed ethnic community members to speak about what it's like to make Howick home.
Franklin rugby club eyes top prize
Beachlands Maraetai Rugby Club might not be the biggest, but it might well be the best!
Know where it’s safe to swim in the Waitematā
The rāhui and blanket public health advice not to swim in the Waitematā Harbour is starting to lift as green ticks return to Auckland’s
Navigators are here to help
Based in storm affected communities across Tāmaki Makaurau, Storm Recovery Navigators (Navigators) from Auckland Council’s Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office (Recovery Office) have hit the ground running and are here to help you!
Interview with Linda Greenalgh
An interview with Linda Greenalgh who leads the Community and Social Recovery programme within the Recovery Office.
Five ways to wellbeing
These are five super simple actions to give your mental health a boost.
Mental health awareness week
Tāmaki Makaurau Recovery Office wants to take this opportunity to acknowledge the immense toll the extreme weather events earlier this year have had on the mental and emotional health of many whānau across Auckland.
Bumps, bruises and beyond all in day's work
The Kawakawa Bay / Orere Health Clinic has celebrated its 40th anniversary.
Events65 Results
Wriggle and Rhyme - Glen Eden Library
Join us at Glen Eden Library to help stimulate the development of your baby’s body and brain.
Sprout to Plate: A Microgreens Growing Workshop
Learn how to cultivate these nutritious greens at home.
Rhymetime - Mt Roskill Library
Join our Rhymetime sessions with songs, movement and finger rhymes for pre-schoolers and their ca...
Digital Seniors Free Tech Help - Birkenhead
Digital Seniors coaches can help seniors with things such as connecting with friends and whanau o...
Relaxation Dance Class
Join our dance class, do exercise and keep fit to joyful music.
Whangaparāoa Library's Wriggle & Rhyme
Wriggle and Rhyme is a programme that promotes active movement and brain development for babies a...
Digital Seniors free one on one tech support - Devonport
Come along to Devonport Community House for free one on one support.
Author talk – Julie Legg author of "The Missing Piece"
This book explores the late ADHD diagnosis phenomenon in women, presenting insights into the worl...