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Conservation 5 Sep 2022

Scuttling of Blue Beard a costly exercise

Breach of Resource Management Act brings hefty penalities

Community 2 Sep 2022

2022 Mayoral Conservation Award finalists announced

Community conservation groups vie for top spots

Aerial pest control efforts to get underway in Hunua Ranges
Cleaning up our environment 23 Aug 2022

Hunua pest control operation due to get underway

Hunua pest control operation to get underway

Cleaning up our environment 9 Aug 2022

Waterways Protection Fund extended

Aotea / Great Barrier, Papakura, Franklin and Rodney, are all now part of the Regional Waterways Protection Fund.

Conservation 5 Aug 2022

Summer kaitiaki wanted for the best work environment in Tāmaki Makaurau

Auckland Council is on the lookout for 20 summer rangers to join the regional parks team for a three-month paid internship this summer.

Environment 22 Jul 2022

Nominate an environmental hero

It’s time to nominate an environmental hero, or team of heroes, for their work helping Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s nature to thrive.

Conservation 30 Jun 2022

Heart of the Waitākere Ranges free of kauri dieback pathogen

Good news for Waitākere Ranges health

Environment 11 Mar 2022

First reports reveal reptile and amphibian predicament

Auckland Council has just released its Regional Threat Assessment for reptiles and amphibians, the first two in a series of threat assessments for indigenous species in the Auckland region.

Conservation 26 Jan 2022

EDWard and his dotterel mates tagged for research

Two pairs of Northern New Zealand dotterels have taken up residence at Wynyard Point on land formerly occupied by the old tank farm, a site they’ve judged a prime nesting habitat.

Conservation 25 Nov 2021

School groups take out Supreme Award at Mayoral Conservation Awards

Gulf Island schools secure top environmental award

Environment 5 Nov 2021

Mayoral Conservation Awards finalists announced

Celebrate the amazing work the conservation community is doing in Tāmaki Makaurau.

Conservation 4 Nov 2021

Anonymous lumberjacks let loose their tree chopping skills

Reports of senseless vandalism to trees and vegetation on Auckland Council land have increased during the latest lockdown period.

Conservation 1 Oct 2021

Aspiring novice eager to find new role in pest detection

Biosecurity dog team welcome Watson

Conservation 29 Sep 2021

Jobs for Nature injects funds to support Kawau Island project

A $4.85m project to target the eradication of rats, stoats and possums on Kawau Island in the Hauraki Gulf has received an injection of $1.3m from the Government’s Jobs for Nature Fund through Predator Free 2050 Ltd.

Conservation 15 Sep 2021

Injection of funding to fast-track kauri dieback work programme

Auckland Council has been successful in securing $1.9m over two years from the DOC administered Jobs for Nature Fund to support kauri dieback work in the region.