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City Centre Waterfront

Auckland's Future In Progress 27 Nov 2023

8 fun ways for kids to play at Wynyard Quarter

Let your kids’ imaginations run wild with endless ways to play at Wynyard Quarter.

Arts 8 Nov 2023

Tessa Harris helps shape public spaces in Tāmaki Makaurau with her art

From Karangahape Road to Te Wānanga on Quay Street, Tessa Harris (Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki) walks around Auckland and sees an increasing amount of her own art and that of fellow Māori artists embedded in the city’s architecture and prominent places.

Council news 30 Oct 2023

Te Ara Tukutuku vision for Wynyard Point

Regeneration of waterfront site to create first city centre open space of scale in 100 years

Educational 13 Sep 2023

Immersive cultural and environmental education space on the waterfront opens to the public

Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Council have partnered to deliver Te Wharekura, a project which celebrates the cultural richness of Te Waitematā, and aims to inspire its protection.

Heritage 27 Jul 2023

Memorial Beacon shines again

Find out about the illuminating history of Auckland's WWI Memorial Beacon, six months on from its return home to Quay Street

City Centre Waterfront 27 Jun 2023

Matariki ki te Manawa 2023 – city centre highlights

From 11 to 22 July, Matariki Festival will fill Tāmaki Makaurau with learning experiences, lighting splendour, storytelling, kōrero, music, art and much more.

City Centre Waterfront 1 May 2023

Wander through Auckland’s historic laneways

From foodie faves to architectural delights, central Auckland’s laneways can take you in a new direction.

Community 19 Apr 2023

May is Africa Month: ‘Afrika is everywhere, Afrika is all of us’

With support from the city centre targeted rate, Auckland Council is providing a platform for the food, fashion, art, dance and music of Aucklanders whose roots are found in the richly colourful cultures of the African continent.

Development 28 Mar 2023

North Wharf site in Wynyard Quarter to go to market

Over the last decade, Wynyard Quarter has continued to develop into the welcoming neighbourhood you see today, but it’s not finished yet. The coming decade will continue to see the plan for rest of the precinct come to life.

Development 27 Mar 2023

Construction process for Te Hā Noa set to begin on 11 April

Te Hā Noa, a renewed Victoria Street, is the next big project in Auckland Council’s Midtown Regeneration programme.

Auckland's Future In Progress 16 Mar 2023

Shining neon light on the regeneration of midtown

Auckland Council’s city centre programmes team will soon announce the next stage of the Midtown Regeneration programme, a series of projects preparing local streets and public spaces.

Summer 23 Feb 2023

Karangahape Road’s colourful past and bright future

With its unique atmosphere and colourful history, you'll soon discover why Auckland's Karangahape Road was named the sixth coolest street in the world.

Summer 26 Jan 2023

Explore Auckland’s city centre this summer

Music, movies, art and more – get out and about in central Auckland and discover something new this summer.

City Centre Waterfront 24 Jan 2023

City centre residents’ survey sheds light on social disruption of last three years

Auckland Council has released the findings of its latest City Centre Resident’s Survey that highlight a continuing challenge around public safety in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

People of Midtown
City Centre Waterfront 10 Jan 2023

Apartment-living with 2 cats in midtown is the answer for the O’Briens

Chris O’Brien, partner and two ‘cat children’ – Lady and Earl Grey - are happy with their life in midtown. The young professionals who came to Auckland after eleven years in London, managed to buy an apartment in the High Street district 18 months...

Auckland's Future In Progress 13 Dec 2022

Harbour Edge Stitch moves from bold concept to exciting reality

One of eight Transformational Moves in the City Centre Masterplan, the Harbour Edge Stitch is making spectacular progress in uniting Auckland’s waterfront with the city centre.